Friday, February 21, 2014

Sleep Study, Thyroid Fun times, and REMISSION!

So, I went inpatient for a sleep study. It was creepy being hooked up to literally 50 or so wires. I had to have a cannula in my nose, with a small microphone by my mouth, and an oxygen sensor on my finger. I have been having major problems with staying awake lately. It had gotten so bad I haven't been able to keep up with school work deadlines. I literally sleep so much, up to 20 hours a day at times, that there is not time to do the work. Thank goodness my professors have been wonderfully understanding! I am behind but I WILL catch up. Anyway, I became so depressed that I was ready to give up. After all, in my mind I may as well give up if I can't live my life anyway. Fortunately I went to the doctor to discuss these issues, and they took a thyroid test and stuck me into a sleep study. My thyroid was 4.37, which is within the normal 5.0 range...and one doctor dismissed it as I Am fine. I went to my other doctor who said the prednisone actually can artificially cause a lower TSH level on a test, so my 4.37 in reality could be more like a 7.0 or above, but is masked from the meds. The endocrinologist confirmed that, so they are getting me in for thyroid help very soon. Hypothyroidism makes you tired, cold, gain weight, your skin is dry, you lose hair, get a hoarse voice etc...all of which I have.
Anyway, during my inpatient stint Wednesday/Thursday I kept waking up. I honestly felt like I hadn't slet at all, and then they came in and woke me up. Evidently my breathing does not stop, but gets so shallow my blood oxygen level rapidly drops. It was to 80% and they decided to intervene before it went lower. They were not going to chance letting it go to see how low it does get. Anyway they stuck a CPAP machine on me, with a cannula type mask/nose prong. It was amazing. I slept all the rest of the night, about 6 hours. I had my first dreams in awhile and woke up refreshed. Now I am home again and I am back to tired all the time. I have to wait for the recheck appointment in a week to most likely get the prescription for the CPAP machine. I hope that these two things being taken care of, the thyroid and the shallow breathing at night will help me get back on track.
On a neato note, I am in remission (beginning stages) of my Microscopic Polyangiitis. They are going to start with lowering me off the prednisone first, then the methotrexate will be switched to imuran. We will see after awhile on that if I can get off the meds, and if I stay in remission or have another flare. This will be my second remission. With this comes the working on repairing the damage the illness has done to my heart, lungs, body. I will be working on Physical Therapy to strengthen my muscles which are terribly weak and prone to injury. I am goign to therapy for the lymphedema I ended up with in my legs. I am going to the weight clinic, and lung doctors to try to get my lungs and weight under control again. This disease is not actively producing the damaging proteins to my blood vessels right now, so I have to play repairman to my body now. It's rehab time, and it is going to be hard work, but I can do it. 
What does the future hold? Right now a nap...then hopefully I can finish my homework. Until then I hope you all are doing good. Much love.

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