Thursday, January 24, 2019

On the Culture of Rape and Objectification

This may upset some people but I was asked before why I am against people who talk vulgar about women, and objectification of women. This is very personal and this is why. 

I've been a victim of childhood sexual abuse. The man acted like my body was his property. Commenting how I was beautiful and developing nicely just for him. He seen me as an object. I was objectified. 

I've been a victim of attempted rape by a man who bartered with someone I thought was a friend to use in exchange for a drug deal for them (a so called friend set it up for me to be raped by a friend of theirs as payment for them to get drugs). Again I was objectified. 

To both men I was property. They were very macho like. Catcalls. Talked vulgar and made jokes about women. And they acted like they owned my body. My body was an object to be used for them. It was not me being a human being with body autonomy.  No. I was a thing. A comment. A receptacle for their actions. Something to control. Not a human. 

That's why I refuse to condone males being pigs under the guise of boys being boys and it's just how men are. Not true. Abusers are that way. Bad men are that way. Good men don't act that way and do not see women as playthings. I also do not condone taking away women's rights to their own bodies. Doing so reduces women in the eyes of the law to property. A thing to be used for a purpose with no body autonomy and no rights. 

Anyone condoning that behavior of being vulgar "grab em by the pussy", taking away women's rights, "redefining rape", telling girls their clothes distract male students, slut shaming etc,  also condones what happened to me. Condones rape. Condones sexual abuse of girls and women. They also condone both men who abused me getting into less trouble legally combined than I did writing a bad check. Because what happened to me is a product of that thinking. The rape culture we live in. Women as punch lines. As property. As something to use instead of someone to respect. 

Until no more women are followed in dark parking lots by men looking to rape, until little girls are no longer considered sexual objects targeted by schools dress codes, until women can report abuse and rape and regardless of race or money, and the perpetrator gets harsh punishment and not a slap on the wrist, until women and girls are SAFE AND RESPECTED, I will not shut up. My body has been attacked. My psyche has been victimized by a culture that sees females as something instead of someone. I hope you stand with me to make our country safer for us. 

Thank you for listening and feel free to share.