Friday, June 7, 2013

You Create Your Own Story...

Life is like writing a book. You are the main character in this creation. When you are conceived, your story begins. Your book first starts. For a period of your life, others write your story. Your parents, teachers, mentors. Then comes the time you pick up that pen, and you have to create your own life. You create yourself, your own character. You build on that until you are who you want to be. Every experience is your story. Good and bad, you are writing your story. The great part about creating is this: you are never stagnant. Your character can grow and change depending on the story and the other characters around you. You can change yourself if you do not like how you are. You choose how you react to the stories in your life. When things are bad, do you let that define you, or strengthen you? When things are good, do you let them change you, or do you let the good things flow into your life and appreciate them while they last? What am I getting at? Your story is not over until your book is closed. Your book is not closed until you leave this world. Appreciate today, the good and bad, and be the creator of your own story. Never give in, never give up. Look for the good in the bad, no matter how hard it may seem to do so, and remember YOU are the creator of your own story. 

1 comment:

  1. AMEN, T., AMEN.

    Hoping this day finds you and your book thriving.


    : J
