Today I am sitting here irritated. I have had this problem with my teeth and gums since I was a small child. I always had cavities even though I always brushed my teeth. Eventually they would start to break, and no one knew why. Fast forward to today, and I have two severely broken teeth that need to come out, and two minor broken teeth that need fixed, but guess what? No one will touch me until I get clearance from my doctor. The doctor said it is okay as long as I am off of my Methotrexate for a week before, the week of, and the week after (if I am not healing well), so there is three weeks of no medication for the MPA. That frightens me because one week off of the meds due to illness and I am getting severely ill. My body is bad. Naughty and bad and it needs a good spanking, which I am going to do to the form of a new diet. That'll teach me to mess with me like this! I am curious however, did the MPA cause my teeth problems? Something else? I know I have had mouth sores and stuff for years, but why are my teeth falling out of my face when my sister, who grew up eating the same things, brushing the same way, never have one cavity Something I'd like to know so I know who to bitch slap for my teeth. As it stands now, I think the tooth fairy put a hit out on me, and it is kind of pissing me off. I'd kind of like to keep what I have left!
On another note, I am having a good brain day. Normally I find myself getting depressed a lot lately, because of the inability to do much of anything, but today I staved it off. I spent the day armchair advocating, creating a rare disease blog, and researching. I also created a group for campus called MSUM Rare Aware. I am going to see if I can make it an official group and see if the medical studies and Hendrix Health Center might help with it. Awareness. I know in some way I am going to have an awareness day at school...more of that to come...
I know you want me... Cough Cough
Well, I am soon off to bed, after downing my nighttime cocktail of Prazosin, Folic Acid, Lexapro, and a Klonapin. With all of that, I should be having happy dreams of unicorns running from Jack Nicholson zombies, dancing in a field of tulips and week old daisy dukes. Oh and I am randomly wearing a face mask. Because I can, and for some reason I enjoy the smell. Now I know I am insane.
One more reason to dig your fork into March 1st with authority, belle!
ReplyDeleteAnd on that note, I'm off to the doc today too, to TRY to finally iron out this seemingly never-ending hellth-care nightmare with ze Fwench Gov't.
: J
Night! I hope you get things "ironed" out.